EA has “opened the vault” on some of the classic (many of them DOS-based) games and put them on Steam with up-to-date patches and everything!
Prepare for all manner of hooting and holleringâ„¢ and some sleepless nights. EA has released a slew of classic gaming titles for the very first time on Steam. While a few of these titles have been available on other platforms (e.g. GoG.com), they haven’t always been the easiest to actually play. Since EA worked directly with Steam for these releases, hopefully this means all of them will be easy to download and play without much hassle or requiring a bunch of patches/workarounds.
To be fair, they just dropped on Steam and I haven’t had the chance to test any of them out for myself yet. Even so, I’m pretty excited. Being able to play ALL of the Command & Conquer games as they were originally presented, is going to consume more hours of my day than I care to admit here….
Anyway, here is the full list of games now available on Steam, which feature the most up to date patches:
Command & Conquer – The Ultimate Collection
SimCity 3000 Unlimited
Populous 2: Trials of the Olympic Gods
Populous: The Beginning
Dungeon Keeper Gold
Dungeon Keeper 2
Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri Planetary Pack
The Saboteur
All of these are available right now on Steam, and at a big discount (for a limited time). Which of these will you be playing first?