The season finale of Dune: Prophecy brings a myriad of plots together that feels more like a mid-season episode, than a finale...Let's break it down!
After six weeks of intrigue and plotting, Dune: Prophecy has reached its finale with "The High-Handed Enemy" directed by Anna Foerster. As expected, we get a bigger showdown with Desmond Hart, as the result of various machinations comes to a...
“In this episode, Caleb “Soleb '' Gayle and co-host discuss some of the latest gaming information and talk about The Game Awards, Xbox, Upcoming Games, and more!!”
“What you Been Gaming”
Show introduction, this used to be called “what you've been drinking and gaming” but …who has time for that now?
“The 2ND Opinion”
‘Xbox won’t have exclusives going forward’, it’s been claimed
According to Windows Central executive...
During their annual Toy Fair presentation Hasbro revealed plenty of drool worthy collectibles for Star Wars fans to look forward to, including a new retro collection and more Black Series awesomeness. Come inside to look at them all!
Hasbro brought some Star Wars goodies to New York Comic-Con this year, including our first look at Resistance figures, and some new Black Series/Vintage Collection goodies. Come inside to check out the official images!
Star Wars fans will get the chance to build and play with Darth Vader's Castle later this year when an impressive LEGO version is released. Come inside for all the details and pictures!
This morning LEGO has revealed a new LARGE Star Wars set, that will allows kids/collectors the chance to build reenact iconic moments from Cloud City. Come inside to learn more and see some stunning pictures.
The latest Star Wars adventure is coming home this September, as Disney/Lucasfilm have revealed all the details on the home release, including all the special features coming with it. Come inside to learn more.
LEGO has revealed three brand new sets for Solo: A Star Wars Story that will let you relive the harrowing train heist sequence. Come inside to check out the sets!
If you've been eager to rewatch the final season of Star Wars Rebels in high quality, you'll get your chance at the end of the month when it arrives on blu-ray with a slew of bonus features. Come inside to learn more!
With just 13 days left in the campaign, Hasbro is showing off what the finished version of the massive Jabba's Sail Barge toy will look like, along with an exclusive bonus figure just for supporters. Come inside to check it out!
Over the weekend, Hasbro announced the HasLab, a new way to give collectors the chance help fund the toys they want most, and they're kicking off with the largest Star Wars vehicle they've ever done.
This morning brings the formal announcement of Star Wars: The Last Jedi on 4K Ultra HD and blu-ray, including all the special features fans can expect when it arrives next month.