Tag: roger corman

Bleach: Rebirth of Souls Is Secretly A Good Arena Fighter | Review

Finally a fairly decent Bleach game comes our way, but the game does very little to bring Bleach into a new level for fans. Bleach is like the lost child of the Shonen Jump franchises, and those of us that enjoy it more than the others have suffered a long and painful drought of nothing. Finally Bleach is back, and finally we get an arena...

New Trailer and Info Revealed for ‘Metroid Prime 4: Beyond’ at Today’s Nintendo Direct

At long last, more information about Metroid Prime 4: Beyond was revealed at today's Nintendo Direct. Aside from knowing that the next game in the Metroid Prime series, Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, was due to be released in 2025, fans didn't really know anything about the game. Until now that is. Earlier today during the Nintendo Direct livestream, fans were treated to a full length trailer focusing...

Directors’ Trademarks: James Cameron

Directors’ trademarks is a series of articles that examines the “signatures” that filmmakers leave behind in their work. This month, we’re looking at the trademark style and calling signs of James Cameron as director.

Alien Riff: Sci-Fi Horror B-Movies Playing off of a Classic

Alien was a groundbreaking film by merging the horror and science fiction genres. The film’s success opened up the opportunity for countless rip-offs. We...