The season finale of Dune: Prophecy brings a myriad of plots together that feels more like a mid-season episode, than a finale...Let's break it down!
After six weeks of intrigue and plotting, Dune: Prophecy has reached its finale with "The High-Handed Enemy" directed by Anna Foerster. As expected, we get a bigger showdown with Desmond Hart, as the result of various machinations comes to a...
“In this episode, Caleb “Soleb '' Gayle and co-host discuss some of the latest gaming information and talk about The Game Awards, Xbox, Upcoming Games, and more!!”
“What you Been Gaming”
Show introduction, this used to be called “what you've been drinking and gaming” but …who has time for that now?
“The 2ND Opinion”
‘Xbox won’t have exclusives going forward’, it’s been claimed
According to Windows Central executive...
According to a Deadline exclusive, Shang-Chi director Destin Daniel Cretton has signed a multi-year contract with Marvel Studios and Hulu Onyx Collective. This deal will...
In a Deadline exclusive, it has been reported that Cobie Smulders will be reprising her role as ex Agent of SHIELD, Maria Hill, in Secret Invasion.
Marvel Studios have a truckload of content coming straight to Disney+ with brand new announcements and already announced projects receiving updated logos and release...
Marvel and Chloé Zhao take a big swing with Eternals, deviating from the norm and managing to deliver something epic.
Marvel Studios' Eternals brings...
According to Variety, sources have told them that a Kathryn Hahn led WandaVision spin-off is in the works for Disney+.
Marvel is yet to confirm or deny...