Knights of the Old Republic Remake Might Be Back in the Cards (Exclusive)

Time to dust off an old scoop as we’ve heard word that a new Knights of the Old Republic game remake/sequel is in the works….

If I can, let me direct your attention to that bygone time of 2015. A LOT of Star Wars things were in the air at the time and we originally reported (from no less than three independent sources) that a Knights of the Old Republic remake was in some form of development.

The game industry is a fickle mistress, however, and in 2016 I reported that the game was put on the “back burner” and it wasn’t something EA was actively pursuing. It was a bummer, and frankly made me look like I was talking out of my ass. Alas, this is the way of things sometimes…Until today.

Unexpectedly, I heard an update from two independent sources (different from ones who’d given me the prior information, and one of whom helped me confirm our Ewan McGregor scoop from last year). This came out of the blue, and caught me by surprise, which is the main reason I’m updating now.


According to one, the previously mentioned Knights of the Old Republic remake is back in development. My other source added to that saying they felt it wasn’t so much a remake, but a “sequel” of sorts. It would be a Knights of the Old Republic project that would integrate elements from the first two games in order to bring certain things into the current Star Wars canon. Not necessarily a remake, so much as a re-imagining.

Considering the wealth of material from KOTOR that has already been reintroduced to the canon, this doesn’t seem like it’d be a big stretch to make it work. Unfortunately, that’s about all the details I have right now on this project. So it seems like the original remake has made a return in some form and being retooled.

I’ve heard EA has a BUNCH of Star Wars projects in various stages of work at this point. From Jedi: Fallen Order sequels, the Project Luminous tie-in, to something on the Switch, there’s a lot going on. From what I’m hearing, it really sounds like EA has found their groove with the Star Wars license. Unfortunately, I DON’T know about timing on any of these, but I’m digging and hoping to have fresh updates soon. E3 could bring some big reveals, but there’s also a chance they do their own “Star Wars Event” reveal for some of the stuff they’re working on.

Time will tell, but this was a pleasant surprise to get an update on as I’d essentially chalked up this previous scoop as a loss.

Jordan Maison
Jordan Maison
Editor-in-Chief: Writer and cartoonist who went to college for post-production, he now applies his love of drawing, movie analysis, filmmaking, video games, and martial arts into writing.

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