Disney’s ‘Maps: A Magical Atlas’ Maps Out Your Favorite Classic Films

Looking for a fun new way to explore some of your favorite classic Disney films? Disney Books has the answer.

It is fair to say that most, if not all, of us love movies. There are a number of ways movies are portrayed or reinvented via different media (books, soundtracks, etc.) to appeal to different audiences. One new medium is movies as maps.

In a colorful and undeniably magical new book from Disney Books, Maps: A Magical Atlas of the Movies We Know and Love is a fun and adventurous read for those ready to explore the unique worlds of some of Disney’s classic films in a unique way.

Mapping out 24 of Disney’s films, and with an exciting foreword by Pete Docter (Director of Monsters, Inc.; Up and Inside Out and Chief Creative Officer of Pixar Animation Studios), this book is a visual feast. It provides not only maps to famous story locations, but also includes ‘moments to remember’, character keys and trivia checklists unique to each film.

A beautifully finished large hardcover book, it will add a little magic to your coffee table or bookshelf and equip you with all the necessary tools for your adventure down memory lane!

Today is release day for Maps: A Magical Atlas of the Movies We Know and Love, so it is available now on Amazon!

Jess Salafia Ward
Jess Salafia Ward
Jess Salafia Ward is an Aussie, an attorney and a die-hard Disney fan. She is an Elvis-lover like Lilo, and when she doesn't have her nose stuck in a book, Jess delights in sharing with fellow fans all things pop culture, movies, books and history.

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