Marvel Announces ‘The Fantastic Four: First Steps’ To Begin Production this Week, Michael Giacchino to Score

The always anticipated Marvel Hall H panel at SDCC has arrived and it is loaded with big news, starting with a slight title change for the Fantastic Four movie.

At Marvel’s Hall H panel at SDCC 2024, it was revealed that the upcoming Fantastic Four movie has had its title slightly changed and it will now be called The Fantastic Four: First Steps. Furthermore, production on this film will officially start this coming Tuesday and release in theaters just under a year from now on July 25, 2025.

That’s not all though, it was also announced that the panel that acclaimed composer Michael Giacchino (Rogue One, Doctor Strange, The Batman) will be scoring the film. Given his lengthy work on past superhero films, this is extremely good news.

What do you think of the title change for The Fantastic Four: First Steps?

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Becky O'Brien
Armed with a PhD. in Musicology, Becky loves to spend their time watching movies and playing video games, and listening to the soundtracks of both whenever they have the time. Can usually be seen writing for Cinelinx though they also do a bit of work for Screen Age Wasteland too. Their favorite superheroes are Batwoman and Spider-Gwen.