Arguably, the greatest animated series DC and Warner Bros. ever created was Batman: The Animated Series. The series, which premiered in 1992, had an incredible cast of voice actors that included the iconic Kevin Conroy (Batman), Tara Strong (Batgirl), and Mark Hamill (The Joker). This Animated series was one of the best representations of the comics, at that time.
During NYCC 2017 Warner Bros. held a 25-year Anniversary panel, featuring some of the iconic cast re-living old memories and favorite moments from the series. However, the most shocking moment of the event was when Warners Bros. representative Gary Miereanu would hold up something he brought and making a shocking announcement that would cause the nostalgia muscle to flex, uncontrollably.
Per Polygon:
Gary Miereanu, a Warner Bros. representative, held up a DVD box set of Batman: The Animated Series as a giveaway for the Q&A portion of the panel. He then announced that this would be the last time Warner Bros. would be giving away a set on DVD — because a remastered Blu-ray version of the acclaimed series is scheduled to be released “later in the year” in 2018.
As of now, there is no further information about when the Blu-ray will release or if it’ll be on Ultra 4K digital download, but as that information releases, we’ll have it here on Cinelinx. Wouldn’t it be cool, though, if they released it on September 5, 2018 for the 26th anniversary?
A nerd can dream.