Ubisoft Details Star Wars Outlaws Accessibility Features

Check out some details of Star Wars Outlaws.

The Ubisoft team did an interview to cover all the upcoming accessibility features of the game, and it is quite extensive. Here are some of my favorite highlights.

The game will allow you to customize every detail to be easier to read, play, and see.

you can edit the player guidance by putting markers in the world, in the compass, or a mix of both. If some gameplay beats require precise inputs and that’s not your strong suit? No problem: You can tweak their difficulty and required precision, or turn them off altogether. If you’re having trouble reading or navigating the world, you can recolor some textures or lights in game, or you can enable configurable gameplay high-contrast modes that allow players with a wide variety of visual impairments to enjoy the game. Our subtitling system is also something that we’ve put a lot of work into, and subtitles are on by default.

The team worked with Descriptive Video Works to create audio descriptions.

Audio descriptions are an optional extra narration track describing what is happening visually on screen. It can easily be enabled in the audio settings menu, and the volume will be adjustable by the user.

Even the menu’s are set up in ways that will keep user friendly interfaces, down to the selection process and color tones selected.

That’s why, by default, the menu structure is built with a simple but deep hierarchy, allowing each screen to show just the right amount of information with clear purpose, making sure we don’t have to write too many things in too small or too cluttered a manner.

The team also went on to explain a huge list of features added to make playing the game easy for a huge variety of players, and I personally found that cool. And these features also cover every day distractions too. Like being unable to hear the game with kids, or needing to look away while you check something, or just simply playing on a smaller screen. It’s all really neat, so go check it out.

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