New Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Trailer Reveals Release Date

At long last, Metal Gear Solid fans have a release date to mark down for the upcoming Snake Eater remake; plus a gorgeous new trailer!

In what looks like to be a bit of a whoopsie for Sony, the PlayStation Store accidentally posted a new trailer for Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, at long last revealing a release date! According to the release date trailer, the highly anticipated remake will arrive on August 28th:

Even crazier, the trailer reveals the return of Snake vs. Monkey mini-game! Looking like all the goodness of the original is making a return and I couldn’t be more excited. This new trailer is absolutely gorgeous and has me itching to get my hands on it. Hopefully it’s a massive success and we eventually get some sort of NEW Metal Gear game down the road.

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is set to hit PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PCs on August 28, 2025.

Jordan Maison
Jordan Maison
Editor-in-Chief: Writer and cartoonist who went to college for post-production, he now applies his love of drawing, movie analysis, filmmaking, video games, and martial arts into writing.

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