Housemarque Returns With a New Title: Saros

Sony’s State of Play today presented a number of fun new trailers, but saved its most mysterious for last: Saros, a grim science fiction action title for the Playstation 5 from Housemarque, the studio that brought us the time-twisting roguelike shooter hit, Returnal. Check out the trailer here:

It’s only a cinematic trailer, which makes sense with its proposed 2026 release period. Even so, Housemarque does a great job of introducing us to the mood and aesthetic of this new offering. Protagonist Arjun Devraj (played by Rahul Kohli) wears a strange medallion that offsets his otherwise sci-fi themed armor and weaponry, and the being that rises from the water looks less like an alien and more like something straight out of a nightmare.

We’re very much looking forward to seeing what else Housemarque will tease out about this game as the year progresses!

Ryan Z.
Ryan Z.
Ryan is a lifelong nerd with an English degree, a lot of opinions, and an ever-burning need to put them into words on a page.

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