Vote on the Best Video Games of the Generation

The current gaming generation is coming to an end and before it happens we want to hear what you think are the best games the eighth-gen have given us.

As we near the dawn of the next (9th) console generation, our gaming staff has been trying to pin down the best games that came out of the past/current-gen. It was…not easy. In fact, we learned quickly that narrowing down our choices would be nearly impossible. So we decided to leave the decision up to you all, the readers!

Below you’ll find a voting form, where you can choose up to TEN video games from our curated list of 50 (the ones our team members chose). If you’re curious about our list, we set some specific rules for our team to follow:

* Since we’re talking CONSOLE generation, games had to have released on a console.

* Games had to release between Fall 2013 through today.

* Because of this, and Nintendo doing their own thing, that means both Wii U and Switch titles could be considered.

It might not be perfect, but we felt these parameters gave us the best snapshot of what the Eighth generation of console gaming…Now, let’s get to it!

We will be keeping this voting open for the two weeks and will end on Monday, November 2nd. Throughout the next couple weeks we will be hosting various giveaways on our Twitter Page to give out game codes for those participating and sharing our poll, so make sure you’re following!

Once the votes are tallied, we will select the ten games with the most votes and reveal them here on the site.

Jordan Maison
Jordan Maison
Editor-in-Chief: Writer and cartoonist who went to college for post-production, he now applies his love of drawing, movie analysis, filmmaking, video games, and martial arts into writing.

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