Knights of the Old Republic HD Remake Coming in 2016? (Exclusive)

Before I get into this scoop too much, I want to clarify something.  I waffled on posting this for a while.  In fact, it wasn’t until today where I’ve heard from THREE separate sources the same thing, that I decided to go forward.  The problem is that the game industry, even more than film, is incredibly fickle.  Plans change in a snap and things that were once true, end up being wrong.  From a reporting standpoint, it’s a tough call.  I know of many sites over the years who’ve reported on gaming scoops that didn’t pan out and it wasn’t until years later it was discovered their initial reports were 100% accurate, but plans had changed within development.  

But I keep hearing this bit of info and where there’s smoke, there’s typically fire of some kind…Though even these plans can change.  I’ve heard from multiple sources that Knights of the Old Republic is getting an update for the current generation consoles…and I’m not talking about a resolution remaster; an actual upgrade to the game to make it enjoyable for both new and returning gamers. Better yet, I’m hearing it’ll be coming sooner than you think: 

“Supposedly we may hear an announcement Q4 of 2015 for a possible Q3/Q4 2016 release.”

When I initially heard this, I was skeptical, despite a good track record with this source.  It’s something we’ve ALL heard before, and even last year Xbox head Phil Spencer said he was hoping KOTOR would get a remake, which sparked a flurry of speculation.  While he was quick to add he had no control over it, since it was their IP, it didn’t stop fans from hoping.  



Last month, Knights of the Old Republic II got an official update on Steam, an odd occurence for a decade old game, and it’s that which prompted me to do some more digging (though frankly, no one has been able to tell me if KOTOR II was also being upgraded).  In the last few days I’ve had two independent sources from within GameStop tell me that word and emails were flying around relating to a Knights of the Old Republic re-release in the near future.  Both iterated that the game would be ANNOUNCED this year, with a release set for next year (boosting marketing all around as the next Star Wars movie nears release).   

star wars knights of the old republic saber brawl

This corresponded directly with what my initial source had told me, though I didn’t give them ANY information or details to that effect.  There was some conflicting info between a couple sources.  One said they felt it would be an Xbox exclusive title, citing the fact that in December of last year Xbox execs reportedly sent a cease and desist to Rum Runner Entertainment, who were working on a “fan remaster” of the game.

The other sources didn’t mention anything about exclusivity and considering the fact that EA and Bioware are behind it, I have doubts it would be ONLY on the Xbox console.  At this point, it wouldn’t make sense for them to limit it that way and knowing Disney, they’d want the biggest market possible.  Aside from that point, all the sources lined up with one another and said the same things.  

So there you have it.  A Knights of the Old Republic remake/update could very well be announced in the next couple months with a release date for next year, giving fans exactly what they’ve been hoping for.  Again, this is what I’ve heard from three separate sources and I’m crossing my fingers that plans don’t change.  I’m in desperate need of an updated KOTOR. 

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic REmake

While I know the initial argument some will have against this is that KOTOR is no longer canon, and that’s true.  I get that, but considering they’re still releasing and selling prior Legends material (book reprints with a new banner, and Marvel’s re-releases of the Dark Horse line of comics), it’s not unprecedented either.  It’s a property that’s sure to make money, and slapping a “Legends” banner on the cover wouldn’t be that difficult.  

Guess we’ll have to wait and find out, but if my sources are correct, we’ll hopefully know in the near future!  


Jordan Maison
Jordan Maison
Editor-in-Chief: Writer and cartoonist who went to college for post-production, he now applies his love of drawing, movie analysis, filmmaking, video games, and martial arts into writing.

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