S0leb Testest Out The AverMedia Live Portable 2 w/ Resident Evil 2 and Black Ops 4

Over the last few years, we have constantly updated 2nd Opinion Pro. Not just for us, but to also bring you all better, more quality content. We recently updated put logo and software, now we have purchased an AverMedia Live Portable 2. This gameplay recorder is something we used at a few events in the past and had pretty good results.

One of the biggest features if the mixture of its streaming mode and PC-Free Mode. The process of switching between these modes is literally a click away. For PC Free Mode, all you do it toggle the switch to the middle, make sure your micro SD card is plugged in, and shazam…you can start recording. I will have a few going a bit more in-depth with the recorder very soon. Until then, please enjoy our gameplay from Resident Evil 2 and Black Ops 4 Zombies!

Caleb Gayle
Media Editor via Cinelinx.com | Co-Founder 2nd Opinion Pro | Married @Dara_Potato | @Poplco Ambassador | Writer @Palestine Herald Press | #GameIndustry Vet 17+

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