The season finale of Dune: Prophecy brings a myriad of plots together that feels more like a mid-season episode, than a finale...Let's break it down!
After six weeks of intrigue and plotting, Dune: Prophecy has reached its finale with "The High-Handed Enemy" directed by Anna Foerster. As expected, we get a bigger showdown with Desmond Hart, as the result of various machinations comes to a...
This May, HBO Max is springing into a wide array of award-winning comedies, documentaries, thrillers, science fiction, family favorites, and movie musicals, from a...
This April, HBO Max brings a diverse slate of award-winning thrillers, mysteries, and fantasy series that fans will love, not just watch.
This March, Prime Video introduces new Amazon Originals including The Boys Presents: Diabolical, with animated stories by Awkwafina, Aisha Tyler, and more; Lucy and...